Welcome to EYFS
R1- River Thames R2- River Mersey
Teacher and EYFS Lead - Mrs Collier Teacher - Mr Walker
Nursery Nurse - Mrs D Clarke Teaching Assistant - Mrs L Ellis
Upper Foundation support staff: Miss Balshaw, Mrs Walker, Mrs Murray and Miss Dyer.
PE Days
Our timetabled PE day is Thursday. Please send your child in PE kit on this day.
Reading - Children are sent home with a phonics reading sheet/book daily. We ask that parents and carers practice letter sounds and read regularly (ideally daily) with their children. If you read with your child at home please place a note in your child's reading record so they can be rewarded accordingly. Children will be provided with a library book each week. Please ensure your child brings their reading wallet to school each day.
A homework task will be sent on the weekly newsletter which is sent out via SchoolPing each Monday outlining our weekly book, learning and vocabulary. We encourage parents to use Seesaw to demonstrate home learning.
Supporting your child's learning at home.
Lower Foundation
River Don
Teacher : Mrs L Richardson
Nursery Nurse: Miss V Kent
Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Mrs J Fish
Nursery support staff: Mrs McCusker Mrs Allen
EYFS Curriculum- Long Term Plan