Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820

SMSC & British Values

SMSC at Upton Primary School 

At Upton Primary School we recognise that the personal development of pupils, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally (SMSC) plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides pupils with opportunities to explore and develop:

  • their own values and beliefs,
  • spiritual awareness,
  • high standards of personal behaviour,
  • a positive, caring attitude towards other people,
  • an understanding of their social and cultural traditions
  • and an appreciation of the diversity and richness of the cultures.


SMSC is a dimension of the whole school experience which makes the curriculum relevant, stimulating, creative and fun. It enriches each subject and the ethos of Upton Primary and is an essential ingredient of school success. The SMSC policy provides the school with the opportunity to meet our Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) to

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Act.
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.
  • Foster good relations between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not.


All curriculum areas have a contribution to make to the child’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and opportunities for this will be planned in each area of the curriculum.

All adults will model and promote expected behaviour, treating all people as unique and valuable individuals and showing respect for pupils and their families.

The school community will be a place where pupils can find acceptance for themselves as unique individuals and where forgiveness and the opportunity to start again is fundamental to the ethos of the school.

Pupils should learn to differentiate between right and wrong in as far as their actions affect other people. They will be encouraged to value themselves and others.


Pupils should understand the need for rules and the need to abide by rules for the good of everyone. School and classroom rules should reflect, reiterate, promote and reward acceptable behaviour and provide opportunities to celebrate pupils’ work and achievements.

All curriculum areas should seek to use illustrations and examples drawn from as wide a range of cultural contexts as possible. This will be reflected in teacher’s planning and purchasing decisions.


British Values at Upton Primary School

We are committed in encouraging children to respect fundamental British Values such as democracy, rule of laws, mutual respect and individual liberty.

We do not promote extremist views or partisan political views through the curriculum and / or teaching. In fact, we offer a wide curriculum where children are taught the different religions around the world and how to understand and be tolerant of different views and beliefs. We offer a balanced presentation of views when political issues are brought to their attention.

At Upton Primary school we eliminate bias and encourage balance. Below are some examples of how we promote the following British Values.




Rule of Law


Mutual Respect and tolerance


Individual Liberty

Vote for pupil council.

School rules displayed in every classroom.


Group / class discussions.

All about me day!

Pupil council share ideas with the class and report back.

Children help to contribute to class rules.


Teaching of a variety of religions RE

Extra curricular clubs to promote individual strength.

All children designed new playgrounds, ideas were considered when planning new playground.

Warning system throughout KS2 for behaviour


Collaborative learning afternoons. (Different houses work together all ages)



All children designed a flag to represent school.

Consequences for poor choices (work in another class, KS2 detention)

Circle time to promote

discussions and tolerance.


Candidates for head boy / girl


Balanced arguments / writing


Vote for head boy / girl.