Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820

Accelerated Reader

What is Accelerated Reader?

Accelerated is a computer program that helps children's independent reading. Your child picks a book at their own level and reads it at their own pace. When finished, your child takes a short quiz on the computer.  Children will be asked a range of questions about the book they have read and will earn points towards their reading target. Children who complete their reading targets then receive awards and prizes within school 


How can my child access Accelerated reader at home?

 In order to access this platform children are required to log in using their unique login and password. These will have been provided to the children by their class teacher and can often be found in the front of your child's reading record. If you do not have your child's log in please contact their class teacher who will be able to provide it for you.


Please click the link below to access Upton Primary School's unique Accelerated Reader platform page.




STEP 1: Children click on 'I am a student'. They will need to insert their unique username and password and click enter.



STEP 2: Children will click on the orange box labelled 'Accelerated Reader' and type in either the unique code found on the inside page of the front cover or type the name of the book into the search bar.



STEP 3: Children then need to select whether they read the book to an adult, by them selves or whether it was read to them. They will then answer questions about the text. Try and have them do this independently. Remember they can refer back to the book. This is a comprehension activity not a memory test!  




STEP 4: Once your child has answered all the questions they will receive a score. If there are any incorrect answers the children are given the opportunity to review these. They will then see how many points they have received towards their reading target.