Upton Primary School

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Waggon Lane, Upton, Pontefract, West Yorkshire, WF9 1JS


01977 650820


Handwriting is a skill which, like reading and spelling, affects written communication across the curriculum. Children must be able to write with ease, speed and legibility. Cursive handwriting teaches pupils to join letters and words as a series of flowing movements and patterns. Handwriting skills should be taught regularly and systematically.


Handwriting in Early Years

Children take part in activities to develop their fine and gross motor-skills and recognition of patterns, for example, to form letters using their index finger in sand,  water or the air. Children we be taught and should begin to learn how to correctly hold a pencil. Then how to use a pencil, and hold it effectively to form recognisable letters most of which are correctly formed. They should be given the opportunities to develop their handwriting, using the pre cursive style, to their full potential at that age.


 Handwriting in KS1

Children will continue to develop fine and gross motor-skills with a range of multi-sensory activities similar to that taught in Early Years. Handwriting will be linked to the ReadWrite Inc phonics scheme delivered to the children as part of their early reading and phonics. Teachers will guide children on how to write letters correctly, using a comfortable and efficient pencil grip. Children will be taught how to write legibly, using upper and lower-case letters appropriately and correct spacing between words using a cursive style.


Handwriting in KS2

Teachers will continue to guide children on how to write letters correctly, using a comfortable and efficient pencil grip. Once children are confident in forming all letters of the alphabet correctly they are then taught how to join using cursive font. Teachers will use handwriting sessions to support pupils in learning specific joins to allow children to become fluent and legible writers. Children in Key Stage 2 then work towards earning a pen license in recognition of their hard work and effort in handwriting. Teachers will only award a pen licence to the children who meet every aspect, including correct letter formation and sizing. Children who receive their pen license will then receive a certificate to acknowledge their hard work. 


 If you are still unsure on how to correctly form letters there are many great resources and videos online. 

A great a fun way to show your children is using the 'Sky Writer' game on ICT games. Click on the link below to access this. Remember if you are in KS1 or KS2 you will need to click on the cursive button in the top left hand side of the screen.
